Experts in Certified Testing, Inspection, and Employee Up-Skilling

Arclabs ATI is driven to provide our clients with accredited testing and up-skilling services. Whether you’re a business that demands experienced CWIs to provide Inspection and Testing or want to build a stronger welding workforce through specialized training, Arclabs ATI is your best solution.

Let’s build great relationships together as we move into your area.
It just takes a phone call.

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Our Services

Welder Testing

At Arclabs ATI, we understand that companies must keep up with industry demands in today’s ever-changing market. That’s why we offer all of our Testing and Inspection services and job-specific training to comply with the latest AWS, ASME, and API codes.

Welder Training

We provide upskilling for your employees, giving them valuable training in welding techniques that fit your needs, such as welding safety, base metals welding, new processes, or compliance with AWS, ASME, and API standards and practices.


We are a well-experienced and fully accredited inspection team covering multiple states.
Our commitment to providing accurate and extensive test reports ensures that your welds and fit-ups meet AWS , ASME, or API compliance and design, giving you peace of mind.


You want an experienced eye when you’re starting a new project or when developing new standards for your business, and with our qualified inspectors, we can help advise you on the best approaches for your company.


Arclabs ATI ensures that industry standards are met and maintained by providing accredited American Welding Society (AWS) certifications for various welding codes, including AWS, ASME, and API.

Upskill Your Workforce!

Get in Touch to Learn More About Our Training Services

Why Choose Arclabs ATI?

Accredited Testing and Inspections

Strengthen Skills

Continually develop and advance the skills of your employees so they can work smarter and as efficiently as possible.

Accredited Testing

Arclabs ATI has AWS, ASME and API Accredited Testing Facilities and provides welding testing and certification for employers and CTE schools.

Integrity & quality

In our training, testing, and inspections, we start with experienced, certified and
fully qualified personnel to do the work.

Get Started

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